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Seatbelts Save Lives

Lethbridge Police, and other law enforcement agencies throughout the province, will be focusing on the use of occupant restraints throughout the month of March.


  • Drivers and passengers must wear an occupant restraint
  • It is the driver's responsibility to ensure children aged six to 15 (or children younger than six who weigh more than 18kg/40lbs) are wearing a seatbelt
  • Seatbelts must be worn properly adjusted and securely fastened. Seat belts must not be removed from the vehicle or modified
  • Learner and probationary (i.e. GDL) drivers must not have more passengers than there are seatbelts


  • It is the driver's responsibility to ensure children younger than 6 who weigh 18kg (40lbs) or less are in a properly installed child restraint


  • $162 fine
  • GDL drivers will also receive two demerit points if they drive with more passengers than there are seat belts.


Lethbridge Police Service
135 1 Avenue South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 0A1

Non-Emergency Phone: 403-328-4444
General Inquiries Phone: 403-327-2210
Email: General Inquiries
(not monitored 24/7)

Hours for public access:
Monday to Friday - 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Closed weekends and statutory holidays



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