Online Scams - Don't feed the phish!
It’s the third week of Fraud Prevention Month and this week we’re focusing on online scams – particularly “phishing.”
Phishing takes place when scammers use emails, text messages or phone calls to trick victims into sharing sensitive personal and/or financial information.
While tactics can vary, online phishing scams generally involve a fake (or “spoofed”) email, website or pop up message that looks like it has come from a legitimate source, though it has not. The message will then direct victims to either click on a link so that they can provide information or download files that can have malware attached.
Be immediately suspicious when:
- The message is unsolicited and unexpected
- You don’t recognize the sender’s name or email address
- The greeting is generic
- You notice a lot of spelling and grammar errors
- The sender requests personal or confidential information
- The sender asks you to log in using a provided link
- The sender makes an urgent request with a deadline
To protect yourself:
- Review email addresses, messages and website urls closely. Check for misspellings or the use of numbers or symbols in place of letters that could be easily overlooked.
- Example 1: You get an email from ',' but a quick check on our official website shows you that our email addresses should say ''
- Example 2: You get an email from ',' but notice that a numeral “Zero” is being used where a letter 'O” should be.
- Hover over links before clicking to check their actual destination
- Slow down and verify information by using official websites and phone numbers - DO NOT use the contact information provided by the potential scammer
- Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication on your accounts
- Keep your software and security tools updated on your computer
- If you have NOT suffered a loss, report to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.
- If you have suffered a loss, report to the Lethbridge Police Service and your financial institution
More resources:
- Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
- Canadian Centre for Cyber Security - "Don't take the bait" article
- Lethbridge Police - Frauds and Scams website
- Online Safety Toolkit - Building Safer Communities partnership with the City of Lethbridge
Lethbridge Police Service
135 1 Avenue South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 0A1
Non-Emergency Phone: 403-328-4444
General Inquiries Phone: 403-327-2210
Email: General Inquiries
(not monitored 24/7)
Hours for public access:
Monday to Friday - 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Closed weekends and statutory holidays