The Watch
The Watch is a volunteer-based initiative with the objective of enhancing the community as a safe and friendly place for everyone through social outreach, connection and intervention.
As additional eyes and ears of social and community service agencies, as well as emergency service providers, members of The Watch aim to:
- Promote and enhance perceptions of safety for everyone
- Connect people with available community-based services
- Provide a highly visible presence, deterring negative behaviours and crime
- Manage events and incidents that have historically involved police, but in reality, are not part of core police function and do not require police attendance
- Alert emergency and social services to the need for their resources in a timely fashion.
The Watch can...
Under the supervision of a well-trained employee Team Lead, volunteers of The Watch:
- Patrol the downtown area on foot providing directions, first aid, tourist information and whatever assistance they can provide to anyone in need
- Provide Safe Walk services to anyone who does not want to walk in downtown Lethbridge alone
- Conduct wellness checks for identified individuals who may be outside for a prolonged period of time, but are not in medical distress
- Assist local businesses in managing negative behaviours in their area through positive, interactive conversations
- Arrange for safe needle pick up, when required
- In times of medical emergency, provide lifesaving first aid and Naloxone, if required
- Work with government, health and local service providers to connect people to the help they need, such as:
- Detoxification and treatment services
- Housing and shelter
- Transportation
The Watch cannot...
The Watch are not security and have no authority under the law. In the following circumstances, other resources are available:
- For any criminal behaviours that require police assistance
- In an emergency, call 9-1-1
- In a non-emergency, call 403-328-4444
- For medical emergencies
- In an emergency, call 9-1-1
- For garbage or debris collection
- Service is provided in the downtown core by the Business Revitalization Zone (BRZ). Call Clean Sweep at 403-330-8653
- For needle clean-up
- Service is provided in the downtown core by the Business Revitalization Zone (BRZ). Call the Needle Debris Hotline at 403-332-0722
- For transportation
- Call the Diversion Outreach Team (DOT) at 403-892-3707
Area of Operation

The Watch's area of operation is generally within the downtown core of Lethbridge:
- From the Oldman River to Mayor Magrath Drive
- From Highway 3/5th Avenue North to Whoop Up Drive/6th Avenue South
Arrange for Safe Walk Services
If you would like The Watch to escort you from one location to another location within the Watch's area of operation, call 403-715- WALK (9255).
The Watch is available during their hours of operation, daily between 10:00 am and 10:00 pm, excluding statutory holidays.
Volunteer with The Watch
The Watch is always looking for strong, compassionate and community-oriented individuals willing to ‘Observe and Serve’ our community. For more information:
The Watch is available daily from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, excluding statutory holidays.
Email The Watch directly, or call them at 403-715-WALK (9255).
Lethbridge Police Service
135 1 Avenue South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 0A1
Non-Emergency Phone: 403-328-4444
General Inquiries Phone: 403-327-2210
Email: General Inquiries
(not monitored 24/7)
Hours for public access:
Monday to Friday - 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Closed weekends and statutory holidays